Thursday, September 21, 2006

Book Launch

I've been trying to get one of these organised. It currently looks as though we're going to be doing something with Ottakars in Canterbury during October but nothing concrete has been put in place just yet. The manager and I have missed each other on several occasions. I'm now hoping Maia are going to be able to sort the final details with him. Ottakars are of course becoming Waterstones and undergoing some refurbishment. All I can say is watch this space and Ottakars front window for further news!

The question then is 'what to do?' I've been to a few launches and I'm not too keen on the whole 'author reads a passage' thing. I think I'll try to make the whole evening more relaxed. A question/answer session on the book, on writing and getting published seems more appropriate.

Ideas/positive and negative experiences welcome.


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