Monday, December 18, 2006

Cultural Confessions...

In the spirit of Scott Pack's excellent idea...

My five confessions are:

1. I've never seen any of the 'Godfather' films or 'The Deer Hunter'

If, like me, you know lots of people who live for film, who talk about film on a daily basis and reference films in all that they do, then you'll understand why this is very careless of me.

2. I've never read any novels by any of the Brontes, Austen or Hardy

I'm ashamed of the last on the list because I love Hardy's poetry. I just find the novels such hard work...but I'm determined to get there one day. No consolation but I've see plenty of TV adaptations!

3. I own no albums by Tom Waits...

...which for a man with quite a large album collection is embarrassing. Staying with musical confessionals...

4. ...I do not own 'Born in the USA' by Bruce Springsteen

I'm a huge fan of Springsteen. I own everything else and more besides and I've seen him on every tour since 1987. I just don't like the album.

5. Hmmmm. How about loving Hemingway but never reading 'A Farewell to Arms' or 'The Old Man and the Sea' (but really liking 'Across the River and into the Trees' which every critic hates) or calling myself a Stephen King fan without ever reading 'The Stand' (a crime amongst Stephen King fans apparently) or how about the fact that I've never been to the opera?

Okay. I'm pushing it! Actually I did see the opera at Glastonbury. In all honesty it was pretty awful. I did try. I was disappointed actually because whenever I see snippets on TV I always fancy it. Puccini is the one. I'll have to go see.

That's it. Surprisingly I found it quite hard to list five. It just doesn't tally wth the number of times I've felt cringingly embarrassed and culturally inept. No doubt I'll recall a few more.


Blogger Danny Rhodes said...

Thanks, I'll add it to my 'things to do in 2007' list...

1:50 PM, December 21, 2006  

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