Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Richard Matheson 1926 -

I'm no expert. I've only ever read two of his novels, watched a few episodes of 'The Twilight Zone' that were written by him and seen the film 'Duel' that's based upon one of his stories. But I was excited today when I found loads of his work on Amazon that I can get my hands on!

There's usually only two of his books kicking around in the shops:

I Am Legend


The Shrinking Man

They're both available in the excellent Science-Fiction Masterworks series from Gollancz/Orion.

Don't be fooled by these titles. Both novels are much more than they first appear. There's plenty of metaphor and subtext to seek out and analyse if you're so inclined, but if you're not you can just sit back and read a master craftsman doing what he does best; telling gripping stories.

I'm off to Amazon to spend lots of money!


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