Friday, January 23, 2009

Book Launch

I have now seen the cover for 'Soldier Boy' and completed the proof edits so with a release date of 31st March 2009 looming it is time to organise some sort of launch. I'm planning to finalise the details of this event today. It will be in Canterbury on Thursday 26th March. I'm off to see the proprietor of the prospective venue and then it will just be a case of getting invitations mailed out. If you're reading this and want to come along, drop me a comment!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Public Lending Right

I just received my PLR statement for July 2007 - June 2008. It informs me that Asboville was taken out 775 times. The year before it was 665. I suppose that's promising from a library lending perspective. I love things like this, to think that 775 people made the decision to take the book out and take it home with them. Now I know that's nothing compared to the big players but it's 775 more than zero and that's the way I like to look at it!


I am not one for resolutions, not really. Life has a habit of rumbling along fairly similarly to the year before it regardless of the things we try to change. It's not easy to stop a runaway train after all. I will try to get myself a little fitter this year. I used to be able to rely on two 90 minute games of football each week and a training session mid-week too but those days are gone. All too often now I find myself watching from the bench. At 37 I suppose it's to be expected. But I hate the gym and I love to be competitve so I will be looking for a sport that satisfies. I'm starting with badminton as it's a decent enough workout when played to a certain level. It's too cold for tennis, golf isn't physically demanding enough and I'm crap at squash (I'm pretty crap at tennis and golf too...). So badminton it will be.

Beyond that 2009 promises, at this stage, to be an exciting year. It will see the publication of my second novel with Maia Press, Soldier Boy will be released in March and there are one or two other exciting things on the horizon that I'm not at liberty to mention. I wouldn't like to tempt fate either. It has a nasty habit of kicking you (me) in the teeth.