Openwide Magazine - 10th Anniversary Issue
I'm delighted to have a story appearing in the 10th Anniversary Issue of Openwide Magazine, edited by James Quinton.
Openwide was one of the first publications to accept my work. Back in 2003 I took a short hiatus from teaching (it had to be short, my savings quickly expired) to focus on my writing. For about four months I dedicated myself to writing short stories and, having just bought a new PC, searching for markets on the internet. Openwide were a webzine then and in the years that have followed they've drifted back and forth between e-zine and print. What hasn't changed is their attitude to writing or their commitment to it. I feel proud to be able to say that three or four of my pieces have appeared in Openwide Magazine over the years, always keeping good company with a great selection of writing talent.
The story in this issue is called The System. I like to think it's a story very much in the Openwide style. It follows four friends into a Casino and charts their experience. Some of it is loosely based on characters I know in real life and some of it is almost true. Most of it though, is just a story about a casino...
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