The Drama Room
Off to Folkestone this afternoon to have a meeting with Screen South about the film we made at school over the course of the last year.
'The Drama Room' tells the story of two year nine students and how their friendship is threatened by tragedy. A stage production of John Steinbeck's 'Of Mice and Men' is used as a backdrop to events going on in their real lives.
Local filmaker Bruce Partleton directed the project and the film won Best Drama and Best Actor (Adam Newman) at the Kent Amateur Film Festival 2006. This was some achievement as Adam (one of our year nine students) had never acted before! Many students were involved in the production of the film, either acting, operating sound equipment, lighting equipment or the cameras. It was a real group effort! There's a selection of screenshots on my website.
The film runs for just over an hour, is prduced to a very high standard, and is a great teaching aid for anybody who is studying 'Of Mice and Men' with their students. We're currently arranging for the film to be packaged professionally and when it's ready we'll be making it available for free to all schools that might be interested. Let me know if you're interested in receiving a copy. There's even a cameo role from a very special actress to look out for, but I'm not saying who!
Anyway, Bruce and I will be meeting Screen South this afternoon in order to kick start the arduous process of applying for funding. Bruce wants to do a similar project in another local school. We have a great new story. We just need the green light.