Monday, January 01, 2007

Pretty good year

Not the best way to start a year but looking back, 2006 was a good one with the birth of a son and the birth of a novel...

I forgot to mention my 'Read of the Year'. It was 'What I'm going to do, I think' by L. Wiowode. It was first published in 1969. I think I discovered it in a second-hand book shop somewhere. It tells the story of a young couple who are learning to love. Time Magazine described it as 'the best three way confrontation between a young man, life and the Michigan woods since Hemingway's Nick Adam's stories'. If you can find it, I recommend it!

Bring on 2007!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually his name is Larry Woiwode. I would recommend his autobiography, which is called 'What I think I did', if you can get hold of it.

12:27 PM, January 03, 2007  
Blogger Danny Rhodes said...

Thanks, I'll look out for it. Did he write any other novels? If not, I wonder why?

2:30 PM, January 07, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, at least 8 novels and some stories. Most famous novel is probably 'Beyond the Bedroom Wall'. According to Amazon, he has a book due to be published in September 2007 (some time to wait!) called 'A step from death'.

11:38 AM, January 09, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Danny, I was searching for Woiwode on Google and came across your blog.

The book you read, What I'm Going to Do, I Think was Woiwode's first novel, though he'd had some stories published prior to that.

His next book was Beyond the Bedroom Wall, which deals with the Neumiller family.

Somewhere around this time, he put out a book of poems, Even Tide.

After that, he wrote Poppa John and then put out The Neumiller Stories, a collection of stories about the Neumiller family, several of which appear in different forms in Bedroom.

Some time later came Indian Affairs, which returns to Chris and Ellen from the book you read, but about ten years later, and Born Brothers, which returns to the Neumillers but focuses mainly on the story of Charles Neumiller. (His story is very much like that of Larry Woiwode himself.)

There's a newer collection of short stories, too: Silent Passengers.

More recently, he's written a biography, Aristocrat of the West, and the first volume of his memoirs, What I Think I Did, which takes us up to the publication of his first novel.

According to Amazon, he has two books coming out soon: My Dinner with Auden and the second volume of memoirs, A Step from Death.

He's not prolific, but he's still writing. To my mind, he's one of the greatest living American novelists and perhaps the greatest one no one seems to know about.

8:15 PM, July 11, 2007  

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