Wednesday, June 06, 2007

June, July and Beyond

A busy time this month and next with school workshops in London, Stanway, Manchester, Glossopdale, Birmingham and Bath as well as a few locally.

The final draft of the new novel is almost complete and will be heading to my agent very soon.

Plans are afoot for a children's book too (well it's a sort of children's book...) but I have to keep that to myself for a little while longer. I'll be working on this heavily during the summer.

I've organised a summer session of short story workshops at the Horsebridge Centre in Whitstable. Dates are:

Thursday 26th July
Thursday 2nd August
Thursday 9th August
Thursday 16th August

Sessions (7pm - 9pm) are designed to help new writers make inroads towards their first short story publication. These are not going to be 'how to write' workshops...more what to do with something when it's finished which is the thing I struggled with for years! I really didn't have a clue. More details on my website.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I found the workshop today real inspiring, i think i've finally found my calling, Thanks.

3:33 PM, July 03, 2007  

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