Sunday, June 10, 2007


So since Christmas I've been shooting up and down and across the country carrying out creative writing workshops in schools. It's been an experience, a different type of teaching to my day job in my own school, thoroughly enjoyable and occasionally stressful!

It's been great to go into schools as a published author, to field questions from youngsters who want to write themselves, to offer them support and tell them it can be done. I've even managed to sell a few class sets to schools along the way.

I've always loved travelling by train, so workshops in Bath or Leeds for instance by train have been a real pleasure, combining the love of two things. I've even managed to get some writing done on the way and on the way back.

Friday 8th June however was a tough day. I only had to go to Bethnal Green so decided to drive. It was only 60 miles. I gave myself over 2 hours to get there...but arrived 45 minutes late. The poor teachers who had to look after the kids that were waiting for me must have been tearing their hair out. I met the head of the school in the corridor and he told me one of his staff lived close to me and made the journey every day. He/she gives himself/herself a 3 hour window each morning, leaving Whitstable in Kent at 5.45am. I told him I'd never have thought of leaving that early, but there we are, we live and learn.

I sent them some free books in a bid to redeem myself. I hope they forgive me just a little bit.


Blogger Rhys Davies said...

Well Danny, Glossopdale is where my wife works and our son Daniel has been a pupil. He is just doing his A level exams and says he's interested to come to your workshop so he might be there too although he's sort of left school. I think you'll have a nice time. It seem to be a long way for you to travel. There is a train from Manchester to Gossop!

7:17 PM, June 13, 2007  

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